Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Primary Research

For my primary research I will ask 15 of my classmates to answer the following questions:

1. Do you speak another language besides English?
2. How many people do you think speak a different language in the 9th grade?
3. Do you speak another language besides English at home?
4. Do you know other people that speak a different language like you do?
5. How often do you speak your 2nd language?

Those will be my five questions that I ask my classmates for  my primary research.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Citing Sources

OK, so now I have to give proof of where i got my information

Baxter, Laura "Looking at the Individual: One Day in an ESL Classroom." World & I; Feb2008, Vol23 Issue2, p6-6, 1p. MAS Ultra- School Edition. Decatur High School Library, Decatur GA, 10-2-08. http://web.ebscohost.com/ser/delivery?vid=42&hid=104&sid=a61b54...

Bye for now

My Research Plan

My Research Plan:

How will I answer my questions?
I will survey the students in my school to find out what it is like for them to speak multiple languages.

What sources?
I will use family, friends, and students at my high school, I will also use the internet to see how other schools use language.

Who will I survey?
I will survey the students who speak multiple languages.

Bye now,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reasearch Questions

My main Research Questions are:

1. How many languages do my fellow schoolmates speak?
2. How does it affect the way that they talk with their friends and family?

Research Goals

Why? That's a big question, and people ask themselves that like 20 times a day. Why do I have to do this? Why to i have to do that? Well I am going to tell you what and why I want to learn about this.

I want to know more about how many languages are spoken by people at my high school. I want to know how they feel about the language that they speak.

Why do I want to know about this? I want to know about this because it interests me. My aunt and uncle speak a different language and I want to know how many people out there, (or in my school) speak a different language and what it means to them.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Language Beliefs

What do I believe?...

Well I that there are many different types of how people speak, I believe that no one talks "Normal," what you may think is someone talking normally may be different from someone else talking "normal." I think that everyone talks in there own unique way. I also think that slang ranges from region to region, different people use slang in different ways, you may not even know when you use a slang word that you don't think is slang, and it may be slang to someone else. Like when you say "cheers" that means "goodbye" in British slang, and you may not even know that.
That is what i believe about language


Who said you have to be in Mexico

So the reason my title name is what it is, is that at my school Spanish is the 2nd language that is spoken by people here, so I'm saying that you don't have to go to Mexico to get a little Spanish. So there you go.
